Formula A: Luminexx™ Colour 6C (6.4) + 7N (7.0) with 10 Volume
Formula B: Luminexx™ Colour 8C (8.4) with 30 Volume
Formula C: Luminexx™ Colour 8C (8.4) + 9GC (9.34) with 20 Volume
Formula A: Luminexx™ Colour 6C (6.4) + 7N (7.0) with 10 Volume
Formula B: Luminexx™ Colour 8C (8.4) with 30 Volume
Formula C: Luminexx™ Colour 8C (8.4) + 9GC (9.34) with 20 Volume
Apply COLOURPRIME® Pre-Color Treatment.
Apply Formula A to the base.
Apply Formula B 4 inches (10 cm) from the base, gently blending with base colour. Leave the bottom 4 inches (10 cm) out.
Apply Formula C to botton 10 inches (10 cm), gently blending with mid-section.
Develop 35 minutes. Rinse Luminexx™ Colour throughly and apply COLOURLOCK® Post-Color Finisher.
Formula A: Luminexx™ Colour 5AMt (5.17) + 4N (4.0) with 10 Volume
Formula B: Luminexx™ Colour 6NABr (6.018) with 20 Volume
Formula C: Luminexx™ Colour 7VA (7.21) with 7 Volume
Apply COLOURPRIME® Pre-Color Treatment.
Apply Formula A to the base.
Organically paint Formulas A, B and C diagonally.
Develop for 35 minutes. Rinse Luminexx™ Colour thoroughly and apply COLOURLOCK® Post-Color Finisher.
Formula A: Luminexx™ Colour 10 AA (10.11) with 30 Volume
Formula B: Luminexx™ Colour 9GV (9.32) with 10 Volume
Formula C: Luminexx™ Colour 9VA (9.21) with 10 Volume
Apply COLOURPRIME® Pre-Color Treatment.
Apply Luminexx Colour Formulas A, B and C from bases to ends using a brick lay pattern to create dimension.
Develop for 35 minutes. Rinse Luminexx™ Colour thoroughly and apply COLOURLOCK® Post-Color Finisher.